Saturday, March 11, 2006

No Camping Next Weekend


I'm sad. Found out today at K's Brownie meeting that we were unable to secure reservations for the camping trip next weekend. I was sooooooooooo looking forward to that. BUT instead, the troop leader, S, made reservations for the girls to go to Grand Rapids for an overnight at a hotel. We are going out to eat on our way to GR and then going to a Build A Bear Workshop, then to the Hotel and participate in an activity and then the next day we get to eat breakfast, go swimming, go to Fred Meijer Gardens to the Butterfly Exhibit, eat lunch and then back home. The girls are all excited about the new plans we have. S says we will look at other dates to make reservations for camping. That made me feel a bit better. Funny to think I may have been more disappointed than the girls!

One thing I have to say about working midnight shift is that I get to make all my rounds to my favorite blogs. I have so neglected visiting them up til this past week when I've been able to go regularly. I hope I can keep visiting regularly as my next week starts afternoon shift for 4 days.

Less than 2 hrs left for this shift and then another 12 hr shift tonight & I'm done for about 32 hrs and then back to work at 3pm on Monday. J has the girls this next week til K and I go on the Brownie Trip, then I get L when we get back for overnight Saturday. Then he has them again the next week. GAWD how I wish I had a normal shift so I didn't have to go without my kids so much!

Anyhow, have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Just Julie said...

Sorry about the camping trip being cancelled, but OMG does that butterfly exhibit look AWESOME! I can't wait to hear about it!