Look at my beautiful 2nd & 5th graders! Today was the first day of school in a new school. We walked the girls there, Joe and I. When we got into the first door, K didn't want to go. She started to tear up and luckily the principal, Mrs. Cooper, came by. She asked if everything was alright and I told her that this is a new school for us. So she asked Kim if she'd like her to take her to her classroom to meet her teacher. Kimberlee asked her if they get "buddies" to help show them around and Mrs. Cooper said yes, Mrs. Welch could get her a buddy. So we walked to K's classroom, met the teacher, asked about a buddy and a little girl turned around and introduced herself to K. I told K that Joe would stay with her and I needed to get L down to her classroom, she said ok. So I walked L down to her classroom, met her teacher, told her we were new to the school, asked about a buddy and she said yes, they have classroom buddies. She said we were to wait out by the lockers til it was time to go into their room. So when it was time, she called the kids in and I went in and helped L find her table with her name tag on it and then I asked her if she was ok. She said yes, I gave her a hug & a kiss, told her I loved her and told her to have a good day. She said all the same back to me and I left. By the time I got back down to K's room, the kids were all in their rooms, and her class was already writing something. I found Joe waiting for me just outside the one set of doors. I asked him if K was alright and he said that she didn't want to go into the classroom, but the one gal took her hand, told her it would be alright and said she could sit by her. That was sweet! Then Joe asked me if I was alright...of course I teared up - more as a sign of relief than anything I guess. The first day was hard on me too. But it's all good and in about 20 minutes, I'll take off to go pick them up. They only had a 1/2 day today and it's about an 8 minute walk to the school from here.
So there you have it...the first day of school story. It all turned out well and I'm sure when the girls find me waiting at the flagpole for them, they'll be talking a hundred miles a minute about the new friends and stuff in their rooms!
Awwwwww I'm glad they had a good morning at school, how did the rest of the day turn out? I'm sure they will be fine. :) I love the photo you posted, they are getting so big! I remember when they were teeny!
Aww. I'm all teared up just reading this... These are the kinds of things that I look forward to when I have kids one day. You hate to let them go and grow... But yet these are always the things that you and they will remember the rest of their lives.
By the way: The girls look so beautiful and are growing up so fast!
They are gorgeous girls. I can't believe they're in 2nd and 5th grade already, though. *eep!*
I'm glad everything went well for their first day. It can be tough, I know. I love the part about the little girl introducing herself to K. Kids are just great that way! :)
Thank you for sharing the pic.
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