Friday, April 21, 2006

A month

Wow, it's been a month since I posted. I'm surprised anyone has commented at all anymore, but Leslie was the one who did last and I figured I better come up for air or no one will come to visit or keep in touch if I don't!

Everything is going well. Working afternoon shift this week but getting out early every day cuz the weather has been sooooo nice! *knock on wood* One day left of this shift and start midnights on Sunday at 7pm.

Today I am going to help at school for K's class. I volunteered to help their "groups" and today is one of my assigned days. So I need to hop in the shower very soon to get ready.

Just a quick update on my WW journey. I've lost a total of 28 lbs since end of September. I'm feeling better. My bloodwork is coming back better. I'm actually getting in some exercise since the weather has been improving!

The girls and Joe are all well too. Joe had a few mishaps at work causing injuries, but he's healing. Girls are growing like bad weeds!!

Ok, enough for now...will post again soon....promise.


Karen said...

It's a good thing you posted ;-) If I haven't been emailing with you, you know I would have been on your case LOL

*HUGS* Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hey T -

Wanted to reply.. great web blog!

I'm so glad I've gotten to know you!

Crayonsetc said...

Yay... she updated!!!

Glad it is going well... and Congrats on the 28 lbs!!! I so need to get BACK ON the band wagon!!!

crazeemommee said...

Hey Girlie, glad to know your ok. Hope you have a good week!!!!