since my last post - wow! I hadn't realized it has been that long. I am sorry for falling out of the loop!
We made it through day camp and the move. We've been in our rental house now for over a week. There have been some items that the landlords had to address, such as air conditioning, ceiling fans...etc, but it's all gone well. They are very nice landlords and even had a "welcome home" bag on the counter when we walked in the house.
Day camp was a long 4 days as I was on my feet the entire time in the kitchen. It was still fun and I'm glad I did it, but also glad it's over!
Joe has gotten a new job also, working for a re-po company in our new town. He started yesterday and so far so good.
I guess that is all for now. We did stop by to see my dad this past weekend but he was napping and wanted to continue to nap, so we'll visit him this next weekend when we go back up to drop the girls off to my mom for the week and also attend my cousin's wedding/reception.
Ta-ta for now!